Sahana Byron Bay

Sahana Byron Bay

How we helped Sahana increase sales by 212% in less than six months

Working with Kozler, Sahana was able to increase:

Profit by:






Inosha's journey to build her dream sustainable business, Sahana

Inosha started Sahana in 2015 in the relaxing hinterland of Byron Bay with the goal of creating one-of-a-kind, sustainably-made clothing that makes you feel uniquely beautiful & comfortable. With a belief in slow and mindful living with "Sahana" literally translating to "Peaceful Living."

Reality of building her business

But Inosha's days of peaceful living quickly ended when the reality of building and growing her business set in. Despite working days and nights to make her dream a reality, growth was slow. She felt overwhelmed and lost, so she signed up for every business course and mastermind she could find. All of which sounded great at the time, but when it came time to actually implement their suggestions it was not all that was promised.

Knowing she needs help, but not knowing who to trust

Inosha knew she needed help to get her business to the next level. Still, her business was not at a level yet to hire a capable internal management team, and she didn't have the resources to risk hiring an expensive agency just to pay them for the privilege of wasting thousands of dollars on campaigns that don't perform.

This left Inosha going in circles, making her stressed and anxious about the future of her business. Not knowing who she could trust and not wanting to be taken advantage of. She felt helpless and alone.

"All she wanted was to get help growing her business without risking spending thousands of dollars with no guaranteed results."

Finding Kozler

That's when she found Kozler. We understood the challenges she was facing because we had lived them! In fact, Zac founded Kozler to solve these exact issues after his frustration of working with overpaid and underperforming agencies that promised the world but didn't deliver when he was building his first businesses.

Partnership built on aligned inventives and mutual growth

We explained our business model, where you only pay for outcomes, and that she would be a good fit for our Partner Program, where we take it another step further and ONLY get paid based on her business growth. Where we only make money when she makes money, meaning that if we don't grow her business, she doesn't pay us a cent.

Working with Kozler

Phase 1: From vision to reality: Transforming Inosha's vision into a growth plan for Sahana

To start growing Sahana, we first needed a strategy. As Sahana was a small business, most of what made it special was inside Inosha's head, and we needed to bring it out. To do this, we took Inosha through our Growth Exploration Program, which allowed us to answer essential questions like:

> Who are your ideal customers

> What problems do you solve?

> Why should people buy your products over everyone else on the market?

Once we had clear answers, we created a growth plan, laying out an action plan to skyrocket Sahana's growth and highlighting quick wins that we could do immediately to get momentum.

Phase 2: Plugging the holes: Optimising Sahana's pricing and website

Once we had a clear strategy, the next step was optimising Sahana's backend, as there was no point in pouring customers into a leaky bucket. In Sahana's case, this meant restructuring product pricing and optimising their website to increase conversions and average order value.

Website Changes



Phase 3: Igniting growth: Supercharging Sahana's marketing with rigorous testing

Once we optimised Sahana's backend, we focused on profitably scaling up their marketing campaigns.

This meant testing hundreds of different content/messaging versions and combinations while A/B testing new campaigns and audiences every couple of weeks on all platforms and with influencers.

All of this resulted in Sahana growing:

Profit by 872%

Revenue by 212%

AOV by over 30%

While giving Inosha the support needed to get her life back.

Turning Sahana from a struggling small business into a high growth company. All while giving Inosha the support needed to get her life back, so she can spend time with her family and focus her attention on what she does best: designing one-of-a-kind clothing pieces that make the wearer feel special.

Want to replicate Sahana's results in your business?

by Zachary Kohler – June 13, 2024